Nana privacy policy

Last updated: 2nd August 2023

Contacting us

You can contact us at

The three types of information we collect

We collect and process the following types of information, through our webapp at

1. Account information

This is collected when you join our waitlist, create an account with us, or make payments for goods or subscriptions.

Information Usage
Email address We use this to provide services like login, and to (optionally) contact you with information related to our products.
IP Address We use this to detect your country, so that we can optimize our service for you.
Payment information We use this to charge you for the use of the service. We never handle this information directly, and it is always handled by our payment processor, Stripe.

2. Content

Content information is provided explicitly by you when you use features in the service, and for the purpose of providing those features.

Examples of the data collected:

3. Usage data

We collect information about your usage of the service. Examples of this are listed below:

Information Usage
Device information, like screen size, model, browser, or operating system We use this to provide a better experience on your device, and to debug issues with the service.
Request logs We log information about requests to our servers, including your IP address, the time of the request, the URL requested, and whether you encountered an error. We use this to debug issues with the service, and to ensure a secure system.

Lawful basis for processing this information

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the UK and EU, the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information are:

  1. Your consent. You are able to remove your consent at any time. As the Account information and Content you give us is necessary for providing the service, to withdraw consent you must delete your account with us, which you can do from your account page.
  2. Legitimate interests. We have an interest in providing an effective and secure service, and we retain Usage Data for that purpose. If you delete your account, this Usage Data is anonymized.

How we share your data

Your Content is never sent to third-party services. It is never shared unless you explicitly request us to do so through the collaboration or sharing features built into Nana.

We never sell your data. If the Nana service product was to be sold to another company, or became owned by another company through merger, then they would continue to use your data on the same bases and would provide the same guarantees described here.

If properly requested by law-enforcement, we will provide copies of your data in Nana, in as limited fashion as will comply with the request. We will notify you of this if it happens, as soon as we are able.

We share some Account and Usage information with certain third-party services in order to provide you with the service and maintain an effective and secure service. All such third-party processors are listed below along with their privacy policies.

Service Purpose Privacy policy
Postmark We use this to send you emails related to your account, or about our products.
AppSignal Your IP address and certain usage information is sent to AppSignal, which we use to monitor and debug issues with the service.
Fathom Usage information, such as which pages you request, your device type, and country, are sent to Fathom, which we use to monitor usage of the service.
Stripe Your payment information is sent to Stripe, which we use to process payments.

How we keep your data safe

Your data is securely stored and is encrypted at rest in our servers using industry standard AES-256 encryption. Our third-party processors provide equivalent guarantees.

All our endpoints use HTTPS and TLS exclusively.

Our policy forbids our staff from viewing your Content, unless explicitly permitted by you on a case by case basis.

Where your information is stored

All our servers and databases are located in the EU. All your Account information and Content is stored in these servers.

Your email address and records of the emails we send to you are also stored in Postmark, which is located in the US. Your rights under EU law are fully protected.

Anonmyized Usage Data is also stored in the third-party service AppSignal, which is located in the US.

Payment data is stored in Stripe servers. Your rights are protected here.

How long we keep your information

We keep your Account information and Content for as long as you have an account with us. If you delete your account, we will delete all your Account information and Content, excepting any that has been shared (by you) with others users of the service and has been copied into their account.

After account deletion, anonymized Usage Data logs of the use of the service may be retained indefinitely.

Your data protection rights

Under data protection law in many jurisdictions, you have rights over your data including: right of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability, and notification of changes to how we use your data.

We aim to and believe we do comply with all these rights.

Please contact us at if you wish to make a request that exercises data protection rights in your jurisdiction.

How to complain

Data privacy legislation is complicated. We're trying hard to do the right thing with your data but if you have any concerns about our use of your personal information you can inquire or make a complaint to us at

You can also complain to the UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) if you are unhappy with how we have used your data.

The ICO's contact information:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House Water Lane

Helpline number: 0303 123 1113
ICO website: